Aight, lemme tell you the whole story about her.
I think it was just last Friday. Me and my friend AJ was having a little chat about something at this eatery. He told me that there was this one girl that he really thinks that is beautiful. He described her as when he looks at her face he feels so light. You know, that feeling that when you see something or someone and you feel so relaxed and just light. I was like, okaaaay I haven't even seen her yet.
After like five minutes we decided to go inside our school to just stroll around and see what's going on. Accidentally we came across her and I was just staring at her and feeling that light feeling. We were like uh oh, what are we going to do and we did nothing. But there's one thing I couldn't forget when that happened, she smiled at me.
Err, I just picked this photo cause
I want a photo for this post. LOL |
To make the long story short, it's been a week since I first saw her and she's on my mind like everyday since that. She caught me (If you know what I'm saying). I always see her in school, come across to each other and we even eat at the same eatery near school BUT I don't even know her name ye and I badly want to get her number. When we see each other I can catch her looking at me at times, not to be confident but there's something. I can feel it. And just so you know, I'm already envisioning her as my girlfriend. LMAO I know, it's a little too fast, okay it is really fast.
I'll update y'all if ever there's an improvement in my quest which is first, to get her name, second add her to facebook and third get her number and start basically star my move from there.