I'm a student taking up Information Technology in West Negros University (WNU). This blog is basically where I put everything that's on my mind and what I see interesting about in the internet whether my life experiences, unforgettable moment, internet viral etc.
I'm not a good writer nor that perfect in grammar, I just write what's on my mind but just get the thought of my posts, aight? lol
Follow this blog if you want some updates from my life or from the net. You can also follow me on twitter (@supJC).
Random Daily Pics. This feature basically features some random pictures taken by me from my cellular phone and that's the reason behind the crappy quality of the photo. I post pictures everyday so don't miss out. If you want to know more about the photo there's a caption below.
Videos. This page is strictly for the videos that I make, whether it's a VLOG(Video Blog), Photoshop Editorials or some random videos I publish.
LIFE, when my post is about me I'm gonna put a [LIFE] label to it. Anything that's about me, different experiences etc. The main point is when the post is connected to me.
RANDOM, When I see some interesting or none sense stuffs on the internet and when I post it on my blog I'm gonna label it [RANDOM].
VIRAL, everything that's a big buzz on the internet is going to be labeled as [VIRAL]. I'm not perfect so the only one's that I come across to is what I'm gonna post, I can't see or know everything what's buzzing around the web so yea.