Saturday afternoon when my cousin Zimran arrived here at Bacolod with his fellow Pastors cause they have a inter-church basketball league here. Zimran stayed at our house while the other Pastors stayed at some church. We were excited, we went food trippin' the first night he was here, even though he's a Pastor we went to get beers plus pizzas at greenoz. Monday afternoon when Zimran's sister Rejoice arrived, when she arrived we went food trippin' also, that's how we do it. ;) It was almost midnight and we decided to drive thru McDonalds and we went DVD marathon when we got home.
This was after dinner. We grabbed some desserts at bascon. |
We got fries from drive thru and bought some juice to complete it. |
Tuesday, 4th day of cousin Zimran while Rejoice's 2nd. We just basically roam the city. We ate lunch at Cafe West, my school's Coffee Shop. Afterwards we went directly to SM just to stroll. Unfortunately I have exams during that time so I went back to school and left them there and I miss all the fun. After my exams, my brother picked me up at school and went again there. Met with some other cousins for some mini-reunion of us. We went to bredco port afterwards and just chilled there.
At bredco port just chillin', eating some chips, sound trippin', cam whoring and just having fun. |
Went home, ate dinner and we decided to catch the last full show and just decide there at the mall what to watch. We ended up watching splice and I'm not that happy of the movie but I'm with my cousins so It was a worth while. It was the last night of my cousins here that's why we decided to watch a movie.
Our cinema ticket for four. |
Wednesday morning, my cousin Zimran woke me up to drive them. We first drove Rejoice at the port and Zimran at the bus terminal afterwards. All in all, my cousins stay here was a blast. Didn't had so much fun with my cousins in a while and this one is on the top of my list. This will definitely not the last.
Rejoice left a thank you note for the whole family. Thank you too, cuz. |
Words can't complete the fun and joy that we had with our cousins. This post was only the highlights of their stay.
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