Monday, August 22, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
My Windows 7 Ultimate Customized [RANDOM]
(Click here to view larger)
I decided to share the links to you on what I used. There's an instruction included in the link of the theme so don't worry about it. I personally made the wallpaper to partner with the theme. Of course windows 7 has a default sidebar for the gadgets and its a personal choice to use google desktop.
Windows 7 Visual Style:
Start Orb:
Monday, June 6, 2011
Will Work To Pay School? [LIFE]
So uhm, today I went at school to enroll for this coming 2011-2012 1st semester. All students needs to be evaluated on what subjects are to be taken prior on what they already took the last previous years. It turned out real bad for me because of the stupid decisions I made early in my college life of not attending and dropping my subjects. During my 1st & 2nd year, It's all good for me, I wasn't able to feel the pressures and problems of not attending my classes. But now, it's my 4th year this year and everyone is expecting me to graduate but it's the other way around. My teacher who is evaluating me explained everything clearly and to make the long story short, because of my stupidity earlier in my college life, I'm not graduating in the next two years. I was just so depressed during that time. I was kinda expecting it for me to happen on not graduating on time but two years is just so far. I was already practicing on what to say to day because he'll be super pissed for sure.
I made a lot of thinking and I kinda figured out why I feel so nervous and feeling guilty about the situation, it's because I'm not paying for my studies and I'm just asking for money from my parents. It came into my mind on what if I'll pay for my studies so that I can do whatever I want. Maybe that's the answer but it will be not easy though. I haven't work for anyone ever in my entire life except of my practicum this last summer, that's the only experience of “work” I'm leaning into. I'm lazy and all but this is the price that I'll have to pay for my stupidity. The first place that came in to my mind of where I want to work was my brother's. I'm still waiting for something so that on what decisions that I'll make.
This situation haven't really sink-ed into my head, maybe this is just a sudden decision because of the situation but I really have to face the fact that I'm not graduating this year but in two years.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Summer Updates[LIFE]
My summer class is about to end, in fact tomorrow is the last day but there's a catch, I've been an apprentice at a government office as part of my practicum subject. Even though tomorrow is the last day of class, my work won't end until the 30th of May. Nonetheless I've been enjoying my experience there, I'm a graphic artist at the office and I'm loving every single minute of it. I still have a lot of requirements pending to be passed though.
I've been bubbly since yesterday for a reason. Her and I are back on track, I am just so happy that we got our communication back again, it's been a while since the last time we talked. Asked her yesterday to go out lunch with me cause I just grabbed the opportunity while she was just a text away. Cause ya know, she lives far from me so I barely see her since the summer started. I just love being with her, it makes my heart skip a beat. HAHA Plus now, I think I found the reason to continue cause I was thinking twice of continuing my communication with her. But now, I'm loving that we're communicating again. She has been showing interest these past few days, she's always the first one to chat me on facebook. That's a good sign, don't ya think? :D Our date yesterday is still fresh in my mind. I can continue sharing but this is enough for now. Oh, we're planning to watch dvd's at her place on Saturday, definitely looking forward on that one, hope it'll push through,
I have been asking for a vacation and finally we're leaving for boracay on the 24th of May. So excited to hit the beach again after a stressful summer class. This is definitely a much rewarded vaca for me. We originally planned to go to Cebu before summer classes started but good thing it didn't happen cause I'd pick boracay any time of the day all day. It's just a 4-day vaca though but it's better than nothing.
So yea, that's it for now. I'll keep you posed on what's happening.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Lets start off with what’s inside the system.
Windows XP Professional
Service Pack 2
Intel ® Atom ™
CPU N270 @ 1.60GHz
1.60 GHz, 504 MB of RAM
8GB (only) Hard Drive
Screen Resolution: 1024 x 600
Even though I only have 8GB of disk space (C:), this netbook came with a 2GB removable drive and I also got a 4GB memory card for it. Every time I install a software or I download stuffs I use my 4GB memory card. Not all softwares can be installed in a removable drive though so I have no choice but to install it on drive C. My friend installed a recovery on my 2GB removable drive because I turned off my system recovery because it eats a lot of the memory so I just have to boot it on my 2GB drive in case my netbook gets broken.
What I use: Softwares and utilities that I use on my netbook. This is where I need to be choosy and wise in choosing the softwares because my disk space is limited.
ESET NOD32 AntiVirus 4. Ever since I got ESET I loved it, its easy to use and easy to clean files but it can’t completely remove viruses though, it’ll just clean it and when you reboot, its back. None the less it’s a thumbs up for me.
Tune Up Utilities 2008. This software is a great help to scan and fix your system if there’s something not right. It can also customize the look, whether the boot screen, startup screen, icons, etc. This is what I used in changing the look of my default icons into mac os.
Space Sniffer. This is a freeware that you can download, it basically scans your drives and gives you a detailed look of what’s inside your drive.
Battery Monitor 1.1.12. I got this from my classmate. He showed me how it works. The thing I love about it other that monitoring your battery (obviously) is that you can customize the sound whenever when your laptop is fully charged or the battery is low.
uTorrent. This is probably this lightest bittorent client. Its only 400+KB I think. I’ve been using this for years now.
NCH Video Pad Video Editor. This is the only video editor that suited my netbook because my previous ones can’t fit in a 1024 x 600 screen. The only features that I like about this are cropping and it can read a lot of video formats.
Windows Media Player and Movie Maker. As we all know these softwares are stock but I use it sometimes. If only movie maker has the two features I mentioned in Video Pad this’ll probably be my default video editor.
Total Video Converter. This is my favorite converter off all, it has a wide variety of video/audio formats to choose from and you can also crop videos with it.
VLC Media Player. This can read almost all video formats and the thing I love the most is you can play the video on the desktop. Now that’s gangster.
Virtual DJ Pro. This software is mainly used to mix songs. Add effects and stuffs. What I like about this is the automix feature, you play your playlist and it mixes it like a DJ does.
Photo Manipulators:
Adobe Photoshop 8.0. Vintage right here. I really love editing photos especially using photoshop and since my disk space is limited I had to get the oldest photoshop version, its only 200MB I think. I use CS5 on dads laptop so it’s balanced. LOL
Photoscape. This is a common photo editor. It has a lot of features and I’m telling you, you can do a lot with it and the best thing is, it’s free.
Microsoft Office Professional 2003. I know it’s already 2011 and office 2010 is already out there but I prefer office 2003 because its light and fast. I only installed word, exel and powerpoint because that’s the only things I use.
Notepad ++. I use this because I am an IT student and when it comes to hard coding this software is the shit. I can also use notepad that came with XP but its nothing compared to notepad ++.
Microsoft Visual Fox Pro 9.0. I have the same reason with the notepad ++. But with this you can design the look of your form. We use this on my database management systems (DBMS) class.
Foxit Reader. This is a great alternative to adobe pdf reader. This software is lighter compared to adobe’s.
TugZip. This is what I use to unzip/zip files.
Mozilla Firefox 4. I have been a loyal user of firefox, especially when firefox 4 came. I love it. My theme for my firefox 4 is Bloomind FT Graphite Glow.
Comodo Dragon. I know right? The name is kinda funny but this is a serious browser. A great alternative to google chrome and its based on chromium like chromes. So the apps/themes of google chrome are all compatible with comodo.
Social Network/IM:
Tweetdeck. I love tweetdeck because I tweet a lot and you can follow me on twitter. @supJC
Skype. Who doesn’t have skype? I think almost everyone has.
I also customized the startup and shutdown tone of my netbook, watch.
With all of this I still managed to have 3.5GB on C:. 2.5GB on both of my removable drives. I may have a limited disk space and screen resolution but that wont stop me from maximizing the capacity of my netbook.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Cousins Bond [LIFE]
Saturday, March 12, 2011
I've Been Busy [LIFE]
As of my personal life, I haven't really talked to her that much since the last time we were together. Just this once when I came across her while she was about to go home, I missed her so I asked her if I can drop her to where she's going. I can sense a little drama going on between us but I'm not sure though. I just ignore it and go on with my life. She has been sending me text quotes but I don't have load so I can't text her back, there's facebook though. On my part, I kinda decided to lay off a bit cause I think I'm showing too much emotions to her but I'm not ready to commit yet. For my family, my sister passed the Nursing board exams a couple of weeks ago. My brother installed a new sound system in his car so the sounds is not crappy anymore. Francine just celebrated her 6th birthday and she's really stoked about it, dad bought her a new game for her nintendo ds.
If you didn't know yet, I do a weekly vlog. You can watch my videos by clicking here. I may not be blogging always but you can follow me on twitter because I don't miss a damn day there.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Movie-Date [LIFE]
I was really looking forward for Friday. It was our exam week so the days came in slow but I was just being optimistic and just looking forward for it. So finally it was Friday. Me and my sister left the house together and I told her that I have a date with her and I jokingly ask her to treat us for a snack so that they can meet each other, unfortunately she was so shy to meet my sister and I had a hard time convincing her to go meet my sister so I just decided to bring our foods and we transferred to a different mall cause the movie just go with it wasn't there anymore. I was a little bit disappointed during that time with her cause she was shy to meet my sister but I was just telling my self that maybe right now is not yet the time. We went straight to the cinema when we arrived at the mall.
After the movie we went to east block to eat dinner, she requested for it and good thing the place wasn't that expensive. Afterwards I was thinking where to go next and I asked her if there's a place that she wants to go to but she said none. Instead, she asked me if I wanted to go to their house cause I was nagging her before that I really want to go to their place so that I'll know the location. Of course I said yes. So we went there straight from dinner. Her place was kinda far from the main city but none the less I grabbed the chance. I didn't stayed there long cause the transportation to their place is only up to 10pm. Went home smiling, and even right now just the thought of it is making me smile. The day started sloppy but it ended super happy. It was unexpectedly great.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Shots [LIFE]
I was so excited and I went early to our meet up place and waited for them for like forever. Texted Gin that he can come if he want cause I wanted him to know my girl. Mel came second to me and while we were waiting we saw Gin. We waited for her for a long time but none-the-less she came but she wasn't feeling well cause she had her monthly period (as what she told me). I had no idea that Mel's boyfriend is coming also, it's fine but I was just surprised.
We definitely had a good time but I don't know with her cause she wasn't feeling well but I can tell she did. First we ordered a four-season flavored revenge drink second and third was creamy louisa. We had enough money for two bottles but thanks to Gin for adding and calling the last one. It's definitely not the last time, already booked her day next Friday just to be sure that she'll come with me. LOL
Will just post pictures next time cause all our photos are in her phone. I'll keep y'all updated.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Valentines Date Postponed [LIFE]
I was really excited about this date of ours on valentines. I even asked some money from my parents for this one and they gave me some generous amount that made me more even excited.
I originally planned that we'll go on a dinner after the activity in school. I was kinda confident that we can go to dinner but the schools activity started late and ended late, of course. In the middle of the pageant I was getting anxious and worried that if we can go, our time will be short. It was almost 10pm and she texted me that she can't stay long if ever we can go to dinner so I immidiately went to her and talk about it. When I saw her she really looks tired and stressed out from the whole day activity in school.
We were walking and talking but in my head I was thinking what's the best that I can do about this situation. I finally came to a decision to cancel our date and just let her go home to rest. It was a hard decision especially if that night was planned but that was the best thing that I can do about her that time. Being a man it's hard to admit something like this that your date was postponed but I did it for her and I feel that thats the best thing to do.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
9.2.11 [LIFE]
It was like 6pm and I was waiting for dad cause I'll go home with him. While waiting, one of our guidance councilor walked by and then he asked me why I'm not watching the azkals game and I told him that I don't have tickets he then told me that he has 3 tickets and he said he'll give it to me, my reaction was sad and happy. Happy that I already have the tickets and sad cause in my head, its already too late to go. I then texted her that I already had the tickets, she replied that I need to go there quick cause she lives near there and the traffic is so heavy. Borrowed dads car and went there quickly and when I got there it took me lots of time to find a parking space good thing I found a good one.
Met with her then we went straight to the stadium and unfortunately all gates are closed because people are stacking up and every one want to go in. We had a chance to get in but didn't took it cause its too crowded. We were just waiting outside the stadium for something to happen but nothing happened. She then told me that we'll just leave and go on a joy ride around town. Well, it was a good idea. Azkals were up 1-0 when we left so it was all good. Good thing there was no traffic when we left cause all the people were settled watching the game. It was the first time that she went with me with my car, it was a good feeling. We drove her friends first to their place. She badly want to pee so we went to random places and we ended up at McDonalds just to pee. When we're about to leave, I was thinking, what if I'll open the car door for her and I did, she was surprised and shy because of what I did. Then we went to BCD's Governmet center and spent the night there, talked some random things. Went home at around 10:30pm. Time is so short when I'm with her that's why I cherish every moment.
Friday, February 4, 2011
2.3.11 [LIFE]
This time, it wasn't planned at all. We were just texting each other and I jokingly asked her to go out of her class and go with me to eat. Since both our class will end late at night I didn't really expected that it would happen. Her class ended earlier than mine then she texted me that "are you serious that we're going to eat?" and I was like, this is on then I checked my wallet if there's enough money, good thing there is. We met outside school and I wasn't expecting her friends to be there but anyways she introduced me to them.
She had a place in her mind on where we're going to eat and we went there. It was just a small resto, they serve barbecue and we ate using our hands. After wards we went to Lacson street cause there was a party going on because it was the Chinese new year. We were so full from dinner and we decided to walk from the resto to Lacson, it wasn't that far so we managed. Had a great laugh with her during that time. It was almost 10pm so we decided to go home and we decided to walk again from Lacson to where she'll ride a jeepney. Quick stop at dunkin donuts cause she really needs to pee and I just bought some donuts so that we'll have an excuse then we went home. Unplanned things turns out to be the best ones. I really loved that night. There's something in the air, let's wait and see. ;)
UPDATE (1.15.11 [LIFE])
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Hope He Wins American Idol 10 [VIRAL]
Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Sinulog 2011 [LIFE]
Me, all dirty because of the charcoal. |
I badly want to go home and change cause the party is going to be really dirty but I didn't had the chance so I just borrowed a shirt from Nong Francis and luckily there's one shirt that fits me. When we arrived at Kabankalan we ate lunch at a Brgy. Captains house it was flooding with food and beers. After wards we went to inigos grill, drank beers, ate tacos and sisig. Manang Vonne's friend has a kiosk near the plaza so we went there by feet and suddenly it started to rain. At first we didn't care cause it wasn't that hard then when we reached our destination the rain became stronger and stronger. Everyone was looking for a place to stay in so that they will not get wet. After standing there, waiting for the rain to stop and unfortunately the rain didn't stop, Nong Francis decided to go home but the rain is getting heavier and heavier. I also wanted to go home cause I want to catch ginebra's game so I told Nong Francis, let's just go and ignore the rain. We walked under the rain looking for a motorcycle to bring us to our car. When we found a motorcycle everyone was seated except me so i didn't have any choice but to just stand at the back most part of the motorcycle with out a roof, when we found our car we were hella wet from the rain especially me but it was all worth it. It was really fun. Can't wait for next year's Sinulog!
Didn't have much photos because of the rain.
Me and Nong Francis at Inigos grill. Dirty because of the charcoal that they stick on your face, it's part of the party. |
Saturday, January 15, 2011
1.15.11 [LIFE]
The date says it all. Finally, we had a chance to go out together even though its our first time talking with each other personally. We chat, text and stuff but nothing compares when it comes to being with that person side by side. We went to a lot of places and we ate a huge burger together. Am I that obvious that I like her so much? Well, there's nothing to hide. The thing that I really like about her is that she's not choosy. I asked her a million times on where does she want to go but her reply is its up to me, she'll just go with me anywhere. See? Hmm shared a lot of laughter with her and opened some stories. I guess that's a start. Every time I think of what happened I smile. Its just so different with her. 1.15.11 is in the books, cant wait to be with her again. And also I have another reason to be in school. LOL
P.S. I was smiling writing this. :)
Photo: Her eyes.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Saved By The Crowd [VIRAL]
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Homeless, Golden Voice [VIRAL]
Taylor Momsen Is A Ninja! [RANDOM]
Monday, January 3, 2011
Who's Ready To Go To School? Not Me. [LIFE]
So this day is gon be interesting, I'm a little bit excited too for some reasons. Let's find out what in-stores for me at school this 2011.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
My Laptop 3rd Gen Stickers [LIFE]
Here are the photos: